Lithon employs a highly skilled team of Structural Engineers and Technicians, with a successful track record in conceptualizing, designing, detailing and analysing innovative steel and concrete structures.
We pride ourselves on continuously producing welldesigned and practical structures which meet their ultimate and serviceability requirements, without the need for excessive, unnecessary and/or costly reinforcements. Our clients’ interests are our first priority, thus we do not compromise on quality and value for money.
Regarding our specific project skills, we have built up extensive experience pertaining to:
Foundations and basements;
Materials technology;
Property development;
Residential, commercial, educational, institutional, manufacturing, public and leisure buildings;
Industrial projects;
Solar power instrumentation housing structures;
Reservoirs, water towers and water storage structures;
Agricultural structures;
Sporting facilities;
Bridges (road, rail, pedestrian and water);
The inspection and rehabilitation of structures; and
The operation and maintenance management of buildings.