Mashare Irrigation Scheme Phase

Multi-disciplinary Engineering, Detailed Design, Procurement, Construction Supervision and Project Management for a 372-ha irrigation scheme in the North of Namibia. 

Multi-disciplinary Engineering, Detailed Design, Procurement, Construction Supervision and Project Management for a 372-ha irrigation scheme in the North of Namibia.  Soil Surveys were obtained to identify suitable crops for this area.  The scope entails all infrastructure requirements (river pump stations, booster pump stations, electrical reticulation, access roads, new buildings, sheds, cooling rooms and housing) and suitable irrigation configuration selection to maximize crop production.  Interfaces with existing infrastructure and utility connection upgrades and community participation and consultation also formed part of the project brief. 

11kV Reticulation, low voltage feeds to the pivots, River and Booster Pump Station Designs including all MCC’s VSDs, PLCs, Pumps and Piping to supply the 380ha scheme with power and pumping facilities.