Mining Services
Lithon Holdings Triange


Our team of experienced mining engineers and specialist sub-consultants provides a comprehensive range of cost-effective services from feasibility studies, exploration and evaluation through to full implementation of mining projects for both greenfield and brownfield projects. Our multi-disciplinary engineering offering includes all local on-site infrastructure and bulk off-site infrastructure for water, roads, rails, electricity and mechanical services.

  • Pre- to bankable feasibility studies

  • Exploration and evaluation

  • Mine development and design

  • Production and rehabilitation

Mining Services Projects

Lithon Holdings Project Management Husab Road Construction

Husab Mine Access Road

Bankable feasibility study, design and construction of a new 22 km long surfaced road and a 160 m long bridge over the Khan River. The first 4km section is over a relatively flat terrain before descending into moon landscapes, with rough terrains consisting of solid granite rock, which constituted massive blasting operations. 10 km of…
Temporary Water Supply Pipeline to Husab Mine

Temporary Water Supply Pipeline to Husab Mine

Services included developing innovative design solutions, field testing of solutions and full-time construction supervision. Planning, Design, Tendering and Construction Supervision of a 26 km long, DN 250 steel pipeline.  This pipeline was installed above ground and supplied water to a new large-scale mining development in the Namib Desert. The unique circumstances required an intensive design…