Lithon Holdings Transportation Engineering
Lithon Project Consulting Engineers

Transportation & Airports

Specialising in road, airport and rail infrastructure, our dynamic team expertly navigates the entire process from feasibility studies and planning to construction supervision and project management.

  • Design services (geometric, pavement and hydrology)

  • Aviation engineering and services

  • Railway engineering

  • Traffic engineering (roads and airport master plans)

  • Road and pavement design and rehabilitation

  • Transportation, pavement and bridge management systems

  • Hydrology and drainage infrastructure (bridges, culverts and storm water reticulation)

  • Public transport planning

  • Highway and road design (urban and rural)

  • Parking and pedestrian facilities

  • Geological and geotechnical analysis

  • Site investigations and feasibility studies

Supervision services include full-time and part-time supervision of transportation construction projects with proper quality assurance procedures being applied.

Transportation & Airports Projects

PMS Visual Assessment and Budget Recommendations, Otjiwarongo

PMS Visual Assessment and Budget Recommendations, Otjiwarongo

Visual assessments of about 82 km of surfaced roads and 26 km of gravel roads around Otjiwarongo and compiling a 5-year maintenance budget with recommendations.  The visual assessments were done in accordance with the relevant PMS methodologies. DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES Visual assessments and feedback on pavement conditions Cost estimates for the proposed rehabilitation and maintenance…
OR Tambo

OR Tambo

The OR Tambo project entails the investigation, detailed design and supervision of runways at OR Tambo over 5 years. Full-time site supervision and contract administration for quality control and assurance purposes during the construction stage were also the consultant’s responsibility. Lithon was responsible for the detailed investigation and rehabilitation designs of the pavements. Lithon also…
Eros Airport

Eros Airport

The Eros Airport project entails the detailed investigation of the airfield pavements and the rehabilitation of the runways, and taxiways as well as the extension of the aprons. A holding action phase on the main runway was also conducted before the full rehabilitation. Lithon conducts full-time site supervision and contract administration for quality control and…
Otjiwarongo Road Upgrades

Otjiwarongo Road Upgrades

Upgrading of about 8 km of gravel roads to bitumen standards within two existing extensions of Otjiwarongo. One extension is situated in the DRC informal settlement area consisting of hilly terrains. The other area is within a formalised area within Otjiwarongo. Services provided: Material investigations Geometric, pavement and stormwater designs Contract administration Contract documentation and…
Opuwo – Sesfontein

Opuwo – Sesfontein

Financing, Town Planning, servicing and housing construction. Lithon was appointed to do contract administration and construction supervision from inception to completion.   Services provided within the assignment:   Civil Engineering; Structural Engineering; and Electrical Engineering.
Ongos: Road Network Planning & Roads and Storm Water Infrastructure

Ongos: Road Network Planning & Roads and Storm Water Infrastructure

Roads and stormwater design for new township development. Project area is about 180ha for 2,500 houses.  The study of external and internal bulk road infrastructure and the investigation, design and supervision for the provision of internal road infrastructure in road lengths in excess of 20km. Services provided: Client Liaison; Geometric Designs; Pavement Designs; Storm water…
Ondangwa Airside Investigation

Ondangwa Airside Investigation

This was an investigation into the airside pavements only. A detailed investigation into the airside pavements was done. It includes a concept long-term layout plan and ICAO confirmation. Findings/recommendations include the immediate close of a large section of the runway and a warning relating to the new terminal being too close to the runway.  
Commuter Railway Feasibility

Commuter Railway Feasibility

The railway line from Windhoek to Rehoboth is 97 kilometres long and is situated in the Khomas Region of Namibia. This section of track was completed in 1912 and upgraded to 18.5-ton axle load long welded track between 1970-1975. The project entails a study of the feasibility of upgrading the railway line, with all associated…
Namcor Hosea Kutako International Airport Fuel Station

Namcor Hosea Kutako International Airport Fuel Station

Design and construction of a new fuel station, which included the fuel forecourt and a convenience store/shop’s Civil, Structural, Mechanical and Electrical components. New building services required were sewer, storm water, potable water, fire protection, fire booster pump station and water storage tank, air-conditioning & ventilation, refrigeration, LPG, kitchen equipment, access control, cctv and electrical…
Lithon Holdings Project Management Husab Road Construction

Husab Mine Access Road

Bankable feasibility study, design and construction of a new 22 km long surfaced road and a 160 m long bridge over the Khan River. The first 4km section is over a relatively flat terrain before descending into moon landscapes, with rough terrains consisting of solid granite rock, which constituted massive blasting operations. 10 km of…
Windhoek – Rehoboth Carriageway

Windhoek – Rehoboth Carriageway

Design of a new dual carriage freeway between Windhoek and Rehoboth, totalling 92 km divided in 4 sections. 14 interchanges have been designed over the total length of the road. Sections 1A and 1B (33 km long) includes the freeway south of the interchange that connects T0901, T0106 and M0049. Section 2 (30 km) stretches…
Lithon Holdings Project Management NamibBou

NamibBou Housing Scheme Ondangwa

The total size of the project (Phase 1 – Phase 6) includes more than 900 erven to be serviced. The first three phases of the project consisted of servicing +/-450 even with water and sewer reticulation infrastructure, as well as bitumen roads and stormwater infrastructure. Lithon was appointed to conduct a feasibility study for the…