Sewer Master Plan for the Town of Otjiwarongo

CLIENT: Otjiwarongo Municipality
COUNTRY: Namibia
LOCATION: Otjiwarongo



Sewer Master Plan for the Town of Otjiwarongo

The assessment of the bulk water scheme was conducted in 2016 and a full assessment of assets, operational requirements and maintenance was done.  Surveys and field work provided valuable base data which was used to forecast the demand on the water supply.  The study provided planning data to the employer in order to plan for future systems and upgrades based on these demand figures and life cycle costing analysis.  Future estimation included the CAPEX requirements to repair, upgrade and replace as well operational costs, direct scheme costs and maintenance costs.

Collection of Information

This component entailed the project start-up and the collection of all relevant information via a desktop study.

Detailed Terrain Survey and Field Investigations

A detailed terrain survey and field investigation was carried out to obtain relevant information on all critical components of the sewer system.

System analysis and modeling

A computer model of the existing system was developed using civil engineering software to simulate the existing system and identify problems on the existing system. The system was calibrated with field data obtained during the field investigation stage to ensure that the model accurately represents the onsite conditions.   A model for future developments and extensions was also added to the system. This model was used to simulate the impact of future extensions to be connected to the existing system.  Connection points for future extensions was proposed and fixed in consultation with the technical department of the Municipality.

Compiling of sewer master plan

The Master Plan aided to identify capacity problems on the existing sewer network and mitigation measures were proposed, complete with cost estimates an implementation schedule.

The sewer master plan report incorporated the modeling results of the existing system, future extensions, and incorporated all data and information collected during the course of the study. The project also produced a comprehensive set of updated sewer maps to guide the upgrading on the existing system.

Services Provided

  • Collection of Information;
  • Detailed Terrain Survey and Field Investigations;
  • System analysis and modeling; and
  • Compiling of sewer master plan.

Sewer Master Plan for Otjiwarongo: Comprehensive Strategy