Husab Mine Access Road

Lithon Holdings Project Management Husab Road Construction

Bankable feasibility study, design and construction of a new 22 km long surfaced road and a 160 m long bridge over the Khan River. The first 4km section is over a relatively flat terrain before descending into moon landscapes, with rough terrains consisting of solid granite rock, which constituted massive blasting operations. 10 km of…

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NamibBou Housing Scheme Ondangwa

Lithon Holdings Project Management NamibBou

The total size of the project (Phase 1 – Phase 6) includes more than 900 erven to be serviced. The first three phases of the project consisted of servicing +/-450 even with water and sewer reticulation infrastructure, as well as bitumen roads and stormwater infrastructure. Lithon was appointed to conduct a feasibility study for the…

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