CLIENT: Southern African Development Community (SADEC)
Namibia Water Corporation
(EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund through KfW Development Bank.)
LOCATION: Southern Angola, Northern namibia
Civil Engineering | Studies
Calueque – Oshakati Water Pipeline Project
The Calueque-Oshakati canal originates near the Calueque dam on the Cunene River in Southern Angola and conveys raw-water over a distance of more than 150km to various water treatment plants in the Central North of Namibia. It forms the main artery of water supply to more than 800,000 people in Namibia living in an area where groundwater is generally unsuitable for human consumption. An additional population of 100,000 people living in Southern Angola will be supplied from this canal with drinking water. On its way to the town of Oshakati the canal crosses the Cuvelai, a system of natural channels which originate in Angola and terminate in the Etosha Pan in Namibia. During years of good rainfall the Calueque-Oshakati canal frequently gets damaged by flooding resulting in water losses from the canal and supply interruptions downstream and causing high operating costs. The frequency of such flooding and related damages of the canal and water supply interruptions has increased over the past 10 years.
Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:
- Situation analysis of the sources and the bulk water supply infrastructure including the raw-water sources, raw-water storage, raw-water pump stations, the canal structure, raw-water pipelines and siphons and connected drinking water treatment plants and irrigation schemes. The analysis shall also encompass the applied operation and maintenance procedures of all related water supply and irrigation installations.
- Analysis of the water demand, historical water demand of the raw-water system, losses and water demand projections.
- Preparation of recommendations on suitable technical solutions.
- Preparation of a proposal on canal replacement or on alternative solutions.
- Analysis of the financial aspects, operation and maintenance costs, dynamic prime cost analysis, cost benefit evaluation, cost estimate for overall project implementation.
- Preparation of a detailed environmental impact assessment including climate change adaptation and mitigation for the proposed technical solutions.
- Preparation of an overall project implementation schedule covering all relevant activities and phases for the overall project implementation.