Why Engineering Studies are Essential

Engineering projects are vast, complex, and involve significant investment. That’s why preliminary studies and meticulous planning are a must. There are various types of studies to assess a project’s feasibility and help bridge the gap between a big dream and a realistic result. 


Frikkie Holtzhausen, a Civil engineer at Lithon, having extensive experience in various types of studies, sheds some light on the importance of engineering studies.


What is a Study?


An engineering study is an analysis of certain aspects of a potential project which helps to determine its viability. Unfortunately, the grand project vision isn’t always practically viable, says Frikkie, and it’s the engineer’s job to point it out to the client, and help find a way to achieve the idea in a way that’s possible. We do this through studies: understanding and analysing the facts, planning, and financial control. Studies end up being the foundation of successful projects.


The Spectrum of Engineering Studies


There are many types of studies, each varying in scope and detail. Some examples include pre-feasibility and feasibility studies which both help with preliminary cost estimates of engineering projects. There are due diligence studies which help to assess the condition and compliance of existing infrastructure, and also projects that have come to a halt. Yet further studies, like inundation studies and flood line analysis, help to reduce the impact of flooding in areas prone to this. To find out more about these studies, read more here.


Minimise Risk and Prevent Cost Overruns


Two of the key reasons for engineering studies include minimising your exposure to the risk of project failure, and ensuring the most cost-effective solution is implemented. For clients looking to gain funding from investors, it’s essential to prove that a project is viable and has been costed accurately. That’s where we come in to assist.


Identifying risks doesn’t have to be a deal breaker for your project, emphasises Frikkie. When you know what the risks are, you can plan ahead. Sometimes, however, certain risks are deemed too high, in turn helping to steer decision-making. 


The Data Behind the Decisions 


Engineering studies draw from a wealth of information and analyses. Some of these can be sourced, others need to be compiled or created from scratch. They include:


  • Market studies data
  • Historical data and information
  • Existing service drawings and specifications
  • Historic and current operational procedures
  • Maintenance manuals and procedures
  • Existing planning reports
  • Standards as well as planning and design criteria
  • Design reports, drawings, and documentation from previous and current studies
  • Consultation reports with other entities regarding the proposed implementation plan 
  • Existing investment plans and documentation
  • Cadastral data and land use types maps
  • Landowner information
  • Any other information or document that could impact the completion of the project


As you can see a lot of data and effort goes into a study. It is thorough and comprehensive, and while it looks like a few pieces of paper, the value of a study can save a client many millions of dollars. 


Planning for Success 

Lithon’s engineers are adept at conducting studies that assess your project’s viability and guide you towards success. We’re dedicated to turning your dreams into tangible, successful projects. To explore how we can assist with your next venture, reach out to us at info@lithon.com.