Meet George Uusiku, engineering technician
Given that he’s been an integral part of the Lithon team for more than a decade, it’s rather fitting that George Uusiku’s friends nicknamed him ‘Lithon Guy’ on the day he received his job offer. We chatted to him recently to find out what his average day looks like, what he appreciates about Lithon’s culture, and what he’s most grateful for in 2022.
What do you love about civil engineering?
Being on the frontline of development and creating infrastructure that improves people’s lives.
How did you come to join Lithon?
I was looking for a new opportunity in 2011 and spent most days calling engineering firms from a payphone. Fortunately, I managed to secure a meeting with Martin van de Merwe in Lithon’s civil engineering department – it must have been my lucky day! After completing an aptitude test, I received an offer letter – and boom, I was a Lithon employee! Of course, I had a big celebration with my friends, including Golden Siteketa and the late David Shimbome who nicknamed me ‘Lithon Guy’.
What do you enjoy most about working at the company?
I appreciate Lithon’s cultural diversity. While we’re a group of people from very different backgrounds, we share a common goal.
What are some of the key aspects of your job?
I focus mainly on design and project management.
What does a typical day look like for you?
I start my day with coffee to energise myself and then go through my emails and attend to queries. Next, I look at my projects to see if information is required or if drawings need to be prepared. I spend most of my time out of the office, doing site supervision.
What is something that makes you well-suited to your job?
I pay a lot of attention to detail.
What has been your greatest personal achievement?
Starting a family – I’m so grateful that we welcomed baby Irene this year.
What do you think is your best habit?
Staying connected with our clients. I’m happy that we’ve built great relationships.