5 Tips For Giving With Purpose

You’ve heard us talk about Lithon being a family. Well there’s one big heart behind all the activities that bind our people together. That’s Marsia Reed, Lithon’s Head of Human Resources, and also CEO of the The Lithon Foundation. 


It’s no secret that there have been many learnings in the 20 years that Lithon Foundation has been making a difference. Many of these learnings are around how to give intentionally so that it really makes a tangible difference in people’s lives. We sat down with Marsia to hear her advice on how to give with purpose.  


1. Giving is not only about money

Just because you don’t have money, doesn’t mean you can’t make an impact. You can give with your time and other resources. When Lithon Foundation started we used to give away a percentage of our turnover but after the 2016 economic crash in Namibia, we weren’t able to give as much financially so we had to think about how else we could mobilise our resources. And, honestly, we probably make a bigger impact now than we did then.


2. The real need may not be what you think it is

The way most of us give usually leads to short-term satisfaction and often doesn’t have the desired impact. It’s a hard pill to swallow, but it’s true. Don’t just jump in and try to rescue! It’s very important that you take the time to build relationships and get to know what the REAL need is – it’s often not what you first think it is. This also means sticking around for the long haul, or partnering with others who are able to do that. This is what we call sustainable giving because it makes a lasting change and targets the real need.


3. Knowledge is a resource worthy of sharing

Often we don’t realise how much we have to give that isn’t just money. Examples include mentorship, sharing expertise, lending skills, lending equipment, and more. Everyone has something to give if they think about it this way. What’s more, giving resources can sometimes have more impact than just giving money. 


4. Connect with others who might be doing something similar

Businesses have a habit of doing things in silos because they are afraid of competition. This leads to several people doing similar (but separate) things. Why not pool your resources and ideas? Look/ask around and find out who else is doing something meaningful that you can connect with. You’ll multiply your impact when you work together. 


5. Invest in your own community

We need to rely less on money received from overseas. The only way to do this is for us to invest in our own people – that means our local community. You can do this quite simply by buying local and supporting local organisations who are already making a difference.


Would you like to give meaningfully and make a lasting impact, but you’re not sure where to start? Lithon Foundation can be the bridge that connects you to a local social impact organisation that is already doing great work.

Get in touch with Marsia to found out how: marsia@lithon.com