Meet Kobus Steyn, Structural Engineer

Meet Kobus Steyn, Structural Engineer

Inspired by a documentary he watched as a boy, Kobus knew exactly what he wanted to do from a very young age. He now brings his lifelong passion to life as a Structural Engineer at Lithon. When he’s not tackling challenging projects at work, he’s outdoors spending quality time with his family.   What inspired…

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Meet Estee Beukes, Senior Structural Engineer

Engineering unearthed: The minds behind the mine

With a passion for creating order from chaos, Estee Beukes is a true problem solver. As Lithon’s Senior Structural Engineer, she tackles everything from structural challenges to team dynamics. When she’s not engineering solutions, she’s baking sweet treats for family and friends, or settling down to watch a historical documentary.   1. What inspired you…

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Cutting-Edge Technologies Transforming Structural Engineering

Cutting-Edge Technologies Transforming Structural Engineering

In a previous article, we discussed some interesting facts about what it’s like to work as a structural engineer. Now, we’d like to look at what’s changing and explore the cutting-edge and continuously evolving technologies in the structural world. Again, we went to our go-to head of Structures, Valontino James, for some insight into the…

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Meet Stephan Calitz, Civil Engineer-in-Training

Meet Stephan Calitz, Civil Engineer-in-Training

From building his own fishing kayak to working on large scale civil engineering projects, this young civil engineer-in-training has a drive to make things happen, and achieve his goals. He’s passionate about technology and how it can help engineers deliver their work faster and better, but he also loves a good hike in nature. He…

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Meet Valontino James, Structural Engineer

Meet Valontino James, Structural Engineer

Valontino James heads up Lithon’s Structural Engineering business unit. We discovered that not only is he one smart guy (he is currently pursuing his PhD) and passionate about structural engineering, but he’s also a half-marathon runner, enjoys a good braai, and loves music with soul. 1. When did you join Lithon? In October 2021, but…

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5 Amazing Facts About Civil Engineering You Probably Didn’t Know

5 Amazing Facts About Civil Engineering You Probably Didn’t Know

Civil engineering is one of the oldest, yet least understood professions. These engineers are the backbone of every society – responsible for designing and constructing buildings, bridges, roads, dams, and other structures. But that’s not all!  Here are some awesome facts about the history of civil engineering that you probably didn’t know.   1. It…

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What Does a Civil Engineer Do?

What Does a Civil Engineer Do?

From the Pyramids at Giza in Egypt, to the Great Wall of China, civil engineers have played an important role in creating the world we know.    Civil engineers design, construct and maintain the civil infrastructure that allows us to live in our homes without fear of our roof caving in, drive on our roads…

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What Does a Mechanical Engineer Do

What Does a Mechanical Engineer Do

From inventing the wheel to perfecting flight, mechanical engineering has been responsible for major inventions that have shaped the world as we know it.  Mechanical engineering revolves around motion and energy transfer and uses mathematics, science, and technology to solve real-world problems.  Read on to find out more about what mechanical engineers do.   What…

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7 Characteristics of a Successful Engineer

7 Characteristics of a Successful Engineer

Engineers are the inventors, designers, problem solvers, and builders of the world we live in. They are often called ‘unsung heroes’ because they design products that we use every day without even knowing it. But engineers also invent new technologies that change our lives in big ways. Here are some typical character traits that help…

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What does a structural engineer do?

What does a structural engineer do?

The Colosseum, the Eiffel Tower, the London Underground, the Golden Gate Bridge, and Taipei 101 all have one thing in common – a structural engineer turned them from an idea into a reality. Structural engineering is part of the broader field of civil engineering. It ensures that the ‘bones’ of a structure can confidently stand…

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Meet Fabianus Gomachab, structural engineer

Meet Fabianus Gomachab, structural engineer

Fabianus Gomachab is a natural storyteller and teacher who shares his passion for engineering in understandable and relatable ways. He’s also an avid reader and sports fan, loves spending time with his wife, family, and friends, and recently started farming sheep and goats – not that surprising, considering he comes from a family of cattle…

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Modern marvels of structural engineering

Modern marvels of structural engineering

Why do we feel confident taking lifts to the tops of tall buildings or driving through kilometres-long tunnels? Because structural engineers have made it safe for us to do so. These highly skilled professionals take architectural designs and ambitions and make them structurally possible. As the Institution of Structural Engineers explains, they “design the strength…

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Meet Fred Mudge

Meet Fred Mudge

Meet Fred Mudge   2021 has been a big year for structural engineer Fred Mudge. Not only does it mark his fourth year as a member of the Lithon team, but he’s also just married his university sweetheart. We chatted with him on his first day back from his honeymoon in Zanzibar to find out…

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