How to Relax Like an Engineer

How to Relax Like an Engineer

Lithon puts its people first, valuing genuine care and prioritising relationships inside and outside of work. Part of this involves supporting our employees’ wellness journeys, and recognising the interconnected relationship between a healthy body and a thriving mind. Rest is a big part of this. During this season of rest, you might be curious if…

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Meet Valontino James, Structural Engineer

Meet Valontino James, Structural Engineer

Valontino James heads up Lithon’s Structural Engineering business unit. We discovered that not only is he one smart guy (he is currently pursuing his PhD) and passionate about structural engineering, but he’s also a half-marathon runner, enjoys a good braai, and loves music with soul. 1. When did you join Lithon? In October 2021, but…

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Meet Lydia Steyn, Accountant

Meet Lydia Steyn, Accountant

Accountant, Lydia Steyn, is based at Lithon’s Oshakati branch and is one of six on the Lithon finance team. In true, family-business style, Lydia is also wife to Cilliers, who is an engineer and the branch manager at Oshakati. We sat down with Lydia to find out that she likes even numbers, enjoys camping in…

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5 Amazing Facts About Civil Engineering You Probably Didn’t Know

5 Amazing Facts About Civil Engineering You Probably Didn’t Know

Civil engineering is one of the oldest, yet least understood professions. These engineers are the backbone of every society – responsible for designing and constructing buildings, bridges, roads, dams, and other structures. But that’s not all!  Here are some awesome facts about the history of civil engineering that you probably didn’t know.   1. It…

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What Does a Civil Engineer Do?

What Does a Civil Engineer Do?

From the Pyramids at Giza in Egypt, to the Great Wall of China, civil engineers have played an important role in creating the world we know.    Civil engineers design, construct and maintain the civil infrastructure that allows us to live in our homes without fear of our roof caving in, drive on our roads…

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Meet Juliandri Grobler, Systems developer and debtors clerk

Meet Juliandri Grobler, Systems developer and debtors clerk

Systems developer and debtors clerk, Juliandri, joined the Lithon family in September 2021. In fact, as the daughter of Lithon founders, Adriaan and Adri Grobler, she was really born into the family! Despite having never intended to work with her parents, Juliandri is feeling right at home, and loving her job.   1. Tell us…

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What Does a Mechanical Engineer Do

What Does a Mechanical Engineer Do

From inventing the wheel to perfecting flight, mechanical engineering has been responsible for major inventions that have shaped the world as we know it.  Mechanical engineering revolves around motion and energy transfer and uses mathematics, science, and technology to solve real-world problems.  Read on to find out more about what mechanical engineers do.   What…

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7 Characteristics of a Successful Engineer

7 Characteristics of a Successful Engineer

Engineers are the inventors, designers, problem solvers, and builders of the world we live in. They are often called ‘unsung heroes’ because they design products that we use every day without even knowing it. But engineers also invent new technologies that change our lives in big ways. Here are some typical character traits that help…

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Meet Muhenje, Experienced electrical engineer

Meet Muhenje, Experienced electrical engineer

Experienced electrical engineer, Muhenje, joined the Lithon ranks in August 2021. We recently had a chance to sit down with him and find out what he loves most about his job and working at Lithon. Why did you choose to become an electrical engineer? I was attracted to electrical work from a very young age.…

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What does a structural engineer do?

What does a structural engineer do?

The Colosseum, the Eiffel Tower, the London Underground, the Golden Gate Bridge, and Taipei 101 all have one thing in common – a structural engineer turned them from an idea into a reality. Structural engineering is part of the broader field of civil engineering. It ensures that the ‘bones’ of a structure can confidently stand…

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7 things to know about engineers

7 things to know about engineers

Ever wondered what engineers are really like? Let’s take a lighthearted look at these complex problem solvers with some insight from someone who’s been married to a civil engineer for almost 15 years. They can be masters of DIY. This will depend on their field of engineering, but it’s likely that home DIY projects will…

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Meet George Uusiku, engineering technician

Meet George Uusiku, engineering technician

Given that he’s been an integral part of the Lithon team for more than a decade, it’s rather fitting that George Uusiku’s friends nicknamed him ‘Lithon Guy’ on the day he received his job offer. We chatted to him recently to find out what his average day looks like, what he appreciates about Lithon’s culture,…

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What does an electrical engineer do?

What does an electrical engineer do?

It’s almost impossible to give a short answer to this question, but if we had to try, we’d say that electrical engineers are the brains behind anything to do with electricity, electronics and electromagnetism. So that’s how it comes to be that power stations, the internet, navigation systems, and telecommunication networks – seemingly very different…

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What is venture engineering anyway?

What is venture engineering anyway?

The Lithon Group has recently launched a Venture Engineering division to identify and create new business and development opportunities in Africa. Wondering what venture engineering is all about? And why a consulting engineering firm is initiating its own projects and developments? We answer these questions and more right here. What is venture engineering?  The short…

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What does an engineer do?

What does an engineer do?

Engineering is all around us. And we engage with it every day in almost every aspect of our lives. From the smartphone that connects you to your world to the car that gets you from A to B and the office building you work in – all of these require the specialised skills of an…

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Navigating times of crisis

Navigating times of crisis

The world had barely emerged from the Covid-19 pandemic when the Russia-Ukraine war began to send shockwaves around the globe. This conflict has not only created a humanitarian crisis, it has also affected the availability and cost of essential goods and materials like food, fertiliser and fuel. What can business leaders do to future-proof their…

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Meet Hannes Van Schalkwyk, civil engineer

Meet Hannes Van Schalkwyk, civil engineer

Hannes van Schalkwyk was born in Namibia, but with a father who worked as an accountant for a mining company, he spent much of his childhood in South Africa, moving from one small town to another. In 1996, having completed his engineering studies at Technikon Pretoria, he returned to his country of birth and, before…

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Meet Willie Knouwds, Sales Business Unit Leader

Meet Willie Knouwds, Sales Business Unit Leader

Willie Knouwds arrived at Lithon in March 2020, just days before the start of the Covid pandemic. But joining the company as the team was forced into lockdown certainly hasn’t stopped him from getting down to business and becoming an invaluable member of the Lithon family. As the Sales Business Unit Leader, Willie leads and…

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